Food Megatrends – Why Beef Jerky?

Developing food for health

In a report, titled The Food Company of 2050, US-based Lux Research analysed start-up trends, social norms and corporate concerns to identify six megatrends shaping the food industry.

The First ? – Food needs to satisfy a lot more than appetites.

Whether helping a consumer’s athletic intentions, cognitive performance or another aspect of health maintenance, foods and beverages are more frequently pushing beyond just claiming convenience, enjoyment and satiety.

Food as preventative medicine

Lux predicts that nearly all products sold will pivot to make health-related claims, with the aim of reducing dependence on medical intervention.

Nutrition and Nive Beef

In recent years, the confluence of the locavore, artisan and maker movements have engendered increasing demand for meats from healthy animals that enjoy a natural, pastured life. It turns out – unsurprisingly in retrospect – that meat produced in this natural way both tastes better and is better for our health.

Nive Beef is produced from 100% Australian grass-fed, hormone-free Angus and Charolais fusion beef, and only the most suitable beef cuts are used in our jerky to ensure a quality product, that is suitable for keto, low-carb and high protection energy requirements.

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