A word about Sustainability

A word about Sustainability

” Basically I say to people I meet, If you don’t look after your land, it in turn does not look after you.”

“What I mean by this statement is if I overstock my country with livestock, you have less grass – and having less grass means next time it rains, the grass takes longer to respond to rain.  

It’s because the root system is shorter there, and won’t get the nutrients and the water needed to grow. Also having a shorted root system in the ground, there is no structure ( roots) holding the soil in place when it rains and the by product of this is erosion.

Sustaining the land

This is devastating to the soil profile. There is a fine line juggling what is good for the livestock and what good for the land, especially in the drought. But the grass is the key to reduce runoff from rain and increase penetration of water into the soil by good root structures and mechanical earth moving eg ( ponding banks, diversion banks, spreading banks.)

This increases growth .. in turn, the fatter the cattle the happier they are and the happier we are. There are a few other factors involved but this the simple version of looking after your future and business.

What makes Nive Beef Jerky different ?

We are a cattle farming family located north-west of Augathella Qld. We created a unique Beef Jerky based on an old family recipe and named after the property “NIVE DOWNS”. The Nive Beef Jerky is sliced at the local Augathella butcher shop and then sent to the Endeavour Foundation’s Toowoomba facility to be processed and packed.

Assisting the Endeavor Foundation

It gives us all great pleasure to know that any sales that we create provides more employment for the intellectually disabled in the Darling Downs area and puts smiles on many happy workers at the facility, providing them with new skills, which helps them feel part of a team and earn an income.

At Nive Beef Jerky we’ve created a quality fusion of Angus and Charolais beef cattle, purely grass-fed; producing high quality beef and using low stress farming techniques; hormone-free, preservative-free, high in protein and an excellent snack that helps to make you feel fuller longer.

Order from us with confidence- true paddock to plate – for flavour and healthy enjoyment. At https://nivebeef.com.au/products/

Love, from your favorite farmers.

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